Friday, September 11, 2009

S Stuff

Now that I'm a year into this project and I'm doing phoenetic sounds like SN, SP, and SW, I realized that I did S all wrong. All of this projects belong under a different phoenetic sound. Ah well, I'll correct it with Asher.

We discovered the Scaredy Squirrel books by Melanie Watt. Besides being great S books, along with Mo Willems, they are our favorite picture book finds of the year.



We made playdough. This is our favorite recipe:

• 1/2 cup salt
• 1 cup flour
• 1 tablespoon cream of tartar
• 1 tablespoon oil
• 1 cup water

Mix the above ingredients over low heat. When the ingredients get doughy, remove from heat. As it cools, mix in food coloring. The cream of tartar in this recipe makes the playdough last as long as you keep it in an airproof bag.

After mixing the dough, we rolled snakes.

Splatter painting.

We went outside to the driveway and laid down an old sheet (forever designated as our painting sheet). I mixed tempera paint with some water (so it was a bit runny). We then took brushes and splattered. Pretty cool, huh?

Jackson Pollock's got nothin on Laura and Talmage.

Potato Stamps.

Simple enough. Take a potato. Cut in half. Draw or trace the design you want as your stamp onto the potato. Cut around the shape you just drew or traced. These cuts only need to be about a quarter-inch deep. Slice from the side of the potato about a quarter of an inch deep towards your shape. Be careful to stop when the extra piece of potato is loose. Do not cut through your shape. You shape should protrude out from the rest of the potato. Use either paint or an stamp pad to ink your potato. We used a stamp pad.

Thank you ehow for explaining it more clearly than I did.

Swirly circles. Okay, I cheated. I really wanted to do this and ABC Stuff doesn't allow for the soft C. Hence the swirlyness of the circles.

We folded the paper in sixths, drew circles in crayon, and then watercolored solid colors over the crayon. I thought they looked awesome.

S treasure hunt. salt, sandals, scissors, sea star, sink. The treat was Skittles.

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