Friday, September 11, 2009

U Stuff

This has been the hardest sound of all to stick with. It's been hard for Tal to shake the idea that even though U starts with the "yuh" sound, it doesn't make that sound. Neither does it make the sound "wuh." We did the best when he could remember that U is for umbrella (as every alphabet book has taught him, and then to listen for the beginning sound.

You know, the fact that he can listen for the sound that starts a word is a huge testament to his progress. In fact, this week he started sounding out words in his books. As long as the letters in the words make the sound I've taught him, he can do it. Last night he sounded out cat, pig, dog, duck, jump, just, spit, and stuck. I was pretty proud of him.

For U week, we looked up books in the library catalog that had umbrella and under in the title.


Umbrella. This is where I found this craft. We took a paper plate, cut it in half, colored each half on both sides, cut slits in the middle (from bottom to half way on one and from top down half way on the other) and joined them to make an X. We used four wooden dowels for the handle.

After we hung raindrops from the umbrella.

The Worm is Under the Apple. This idea was born from my learning that a preposition is anything that a worm can do to an apple (the worm is over the apple, the worm goes through the apple, the worm is beside the apple, etc).

Game for two players. Each person starts by rolling a single die. Move the number of spaces as proscribed by the die. If you land on an apple, you place the worm pictured below near the apple pictured below. The other player (in order to take the next turn) says where the worm is in relation to the apple. If they do so correctly, it's then their turn. If they do so incorrectly, the original player gets another turn. First one to the end wins.

Treasure hunt.
umbrella, underwear, upstairs. The treat was Hubba Bubba Bubblegum. I know. It's a bit of a stretch.


  1. Hubba Bubba Bubblegum has FOUR Us!

  2. We're "doing" Uu right now. . . today in our kindergarten classroom. Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to break some serious rules, and we're going to chew Hubba Bubba right in class! We used to have bubblegum chewing contests on long car trips, and I remember it making passengers rather quiet -- if only for a few minutes, as they managed a big wad of gum inside their small mouths. I also love the apple/worm game and can definitely use the idea for positional practice. Thanks from Providence, UT!
